PROOF OF HEAVEN by Eben Alexander, MD

Have you ever wondered if your physical body is all that makes you, you?  If tomorrow morning, you were hit by a bus and declared brain dead, would that be the end of you?  The end of your thoughts, your feelings and your memories?  When your brain, your biological computer, shuts down, does that mean you cease to exist?  Or is there a part of you that still thinks, still feels, still knows, still remembers?

Well, the author of PROOF OF HEAVEN, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, MD, did not usually entertain such questions.  He was a firm believer in the view  that human consciousness is produced by electrical activity within the brain, and nothing more.  Any ideas of spirit, soul, God or afterlife, he found to be unscientific and therefore difficult to accept.  

Then one day he found himself where so many of his patients had been before him: in the ICU with a non-functioning brain.  He was not expected to live.  The medical tests and instruments all showed zero activity in the portions of his brain controlling thought and emotion.  Despite this lack of brain activity, Dr Alexander continued to learn, to experience emotions, and record new memories.  

As a scientist, this proved to him that there is much more to a human being than our biology.  We do not perish simply because our human bodies do.  We continue to live, to love and to grow.  He wrote this book to share this information with you and so, so much more.  What is written on the back cover is true: “Reading it will change your life.”